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The Mercury Project

The Mercury Project

Mercury stations direct on Sunday. For many of you ‘Mercury retrograde’ and the impact on communication (and usually IT equipment) may be the only thing you associate with Mercury. It was this way for me for quite a while too. The “Oh it’s Mercury retrograde!” would irritate me a little and then I would move on with my day.

Then in 2020, I began to explore our natural cycles, particularly related to how we do business. We are attuned to being constantly switched on, pushing, daily this, weekly that etc that somehow self-employed business, or being a Soulpreneur became harder and less freeing than having a job!

I started with my first love, the beautiful moon. I’ve always loved the feeling of gazing at a full moon, or the wonder as I caught the size, shape and position of the moon as I went about my daily (or nightly!) life. Not really understanding the waxing and waning, seasonal impact of her magnetic pull on earth and how that impacted my life and business. Connecting in with her monthly and recognising my natural human cycle has helped me enormously through the strangeness that is this time of pandemic as I’ve begun to shape my business and my response to my business around the natural energy cycle inherent in the cosmos that we are part of.

However, love her though I do, a month passes by so quickly that I often lose my focus on one theme as I move to another, before the theme feels finished. Certainly before all the potential actions are taken.

Then I was introduced to the cycle of Mercury (Thank you Astro Butterfly).

Mercury is the closest planet to us, and as such moves around us approx. 3 times in a year including his retrograde phase (I’m calling him “he” because that’s how he feels to me, feel free to substitute your pronoun!), each of these turns of our planet takes approx. 116 days

As with most cycles (think back to our moon), there are phases. With Mercury these phases perfectly fit the phases of a great project.

  • A time of preparation and planning for the next phase or project, approx. 2 weeks from the mid-point of Mercury retrograde until Mercury goes direct
  • A time of creation, testing and prototyping, approx. 5 weeks during the first half of Mercury Direct
  • A time of Action and Implementation, approx. 5 weeks during the second half of Mercury Direct
  • A time of reflection and learning, approx. 2 weeks as Mercury goes retrograde

Isn’t that amazing?! I absolutely LOVE how the cosmos that surrounds us is aligned to help in our endeavours if only we know how to read the signs.

If you don’t have a project in mind, to further help you with this you can use your astrological chart to understand where your personal Mercury is, and how that might influence the theme of your project.

I will be creating a Masterclass on this to further expand on the concept and to walk you through the steps, but in the meantime, perhaps use the last few days of Mercury Retrograde to explore the potential of a Mercury Project!

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Key dates for this Mercury Transit

  • 8th Feb to 21st Feb - Observe and Insights - A time of preparation and planning for the next phase or project, approx. 2 weeks from the mid-point of Mercury retrograde until Mercury goes direct (on 21st February)
  • 22nd February to 18th April - A time of creation, testing and prototyping, approx. 5 weeks during the first half of Mercury Direct
  • 19th April to 29th May - A time of Action and Implementation, approx. 5 weeks during the second half of Mercury Direct
  • 30th May to June 10th - A time of reflection and learning, approx. 2 weeks as Mercury goes retrograde (on 29th May)
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