Essentially Soulitude - Self Compassion in a Box - 3 months of Spring

Imagine if you spent 25 minutes every day taking care of yourself in some way. Feeding your soul. 

Our self compassion subscription box encourages you to do just that. We'd love to drop into your post box each quarter to support you in the most precious exploration you can make, the one where you search for yourself.

Not only will we send you everything you'll need to begin your soul journey with us each month, we'll also meet with you on Zoom to guide you, to witness your experience and to share ours with you. It's a little like meeting on the beach around a campfire with old and new friends!

Your Monthly Box Contains

Self Compassion Moon Candles with Intention Plaque

MyQ Self Coaching from ShaRyn with a Why

Essential Oil of the Month from Essentially Evolving Viv

Quadrinity Essential Oils Coaching from Essentially Evolving Viv

A self care surprise ... or two

Your on-line community includes

An Invite to Mo(o)nday Meeting our monthly community Zoom Cuppa
- Meet the frequency of the oil of the month with Viv
- Share your self compassion experiences with friends
- Take a breath with Sharyn

A Telegram community space for connection and support

On-line space with lots of Soulitude Support from ShaRyn and Viv

Essential Oils

Ancient Plant Medicine Self care is as easy as opening the bottle and taking a breath. Alongside the candles, which give you the space and time to truly be you, is an aroma to help you on your journey of discovery. Each time you see the bottle experiment with the aroma - apply a drop to your wrist, the base of your skull or behind your ears: imagine where the oil came from; thank the plant for it's magic and/or take some wonderful, calming, deep breaths and know that you are amazing. Breathe and be YOU.

Soulitude and mYq awareness prompts

Self Compassion Moon Candles. Imagine if you spent 45 minutes a day taking care of yourself in some way. Feeding your soul. This is the commitment we are inviting you to make, and our candles are here to help you with a visual reference. Each time you take time off from your busy schedule to spend time with yourself, whether that's breathing, meditating, going for a bath, music, dancing, reading or whatever it is you do to feed your soul, make it a conscious choice by lighting your candle as you start and blowing it out when you finish. If you do this for 30-45 minutes each day, over a week your candle will burn out, but you won't - time to yourself is a necessity not a luxury! So if by the end of the week you haven't fully burned your candle you know that you owe yourself some time off!

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 Moon Circle Subscription BOX for Spring 23
 £127.00 GBP
 Annual Subscription BOX - All four seasons delivered monthly direct to your door
 £444.00 GBP  ( then £444.00 GBP a year )
 Moon Circle Subscription ONLINE ACCESS for Spring 23
 £66.00 GBP
 Annual Subscription ONLINE ACCESS - All four seasons released monthly
 £222.00 GBP

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