Mercury your Cosmic Project Manager

The Mercury Project, Mercury on a cosmic background in blues and purples with light

🌟 Working with the cycles and rhythms of the Cosmos has changed my whole life experience, and it can do the same for you too! 🌟

This is a 16 week Group Coaching Programme, birthing a specific project during the Mercury Cycle - with Mercury as your Cosmic Project Manager.

Working online as a group, we will meet on the 4 key stages of the Mercury Cycle, and every couple of weeks around that. Starting on Friday December 6th at 7.30pm

Our live 90-minute online workshops will be a mix of teaching, breathing, and group coaching designed to support you with your project.

🚀 We will start by connecting to the planet that is supporting Mercury in the current stage of the project.

Every project needs resources so we'll invite our cosmic helpers into the room as we open the season and the session. We'll be specifically working with Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as we cycle through the project seasons. 

Then we'll move into sharing💡 the lightbulb moments, 🤯the head scratching and the 🎉celebrations.

🌟 finally bringing any questions including those submitted prior to the session.

And of course, we'll 🫁 breathe! 

Week by week, you'll work within the cosmic energies and invitation to bring your project to life, with my support and the support of the group. 

AND as if that wasn't enough - You'll have Direct Message 💬 access to me throughout the project, and a group chat to stay in touch 👋 between sessions

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to work with the natural cycles and rhythms of nature and invite Mercury to be your project manager and guide! 

I look forward to seeing you on the inside

Inhale ... Exhale ... and Take Care
Sharyn with a Why x

PS - Housekeeping info - These are live workshops and participants will be recorded. I'd encourage you to have your camera on and to get involved as this will enhance your experience, but if you'd rather not be recorded or you are not in a suitable place to be recorded, I'll show you how to change your name to anonymise yourself, and you can keep your camera and microphone off throughout. 

Modules for this product 1
£375 or Incl in the All Access Pass

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 The Mercury Project Group Coaching
 £ 97.00 GBP  ( then £97.00 GBP for 3 months )
 The Mercury Project Group Coaching
 £ 375.00 GBP
 All Access Pass - Monthly Payment Option
 £ 144.00 GBP  ( then £144.00 GBP a month )
 All Access Pass 2025 (Special offer)
 £ 1,447.00 GBP

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